Chrono Trigger Graphical Walkthrough by Luckyboy

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See, Ozzie appears!

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Now, head back to those two rooms, the right one leads to Flea. a male??

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The left room leads to Slash. You have to beat him twice tho.(harder?) well he will leave his slash sword for you when he's defeated.

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Watchout for the pits!

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hmm, he's stupid huh? he turned into an ice cube. ignore him, attack those chains.

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Finally, we made it to our Magus!! I think he has 6000HP, and he knows all sorts of magics.

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A dream??? How sweet!

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Okay u will find yourself back in 65000000BC, go to Laruba ruins.

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Ayla's determined to fight the reptites.

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Head to the peak of Dactyl Nest, and you will meet Ayla there.

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now, you can enter the Tyrano Lair.

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Find your way in the Tyrano Lair and finally you would come to this ugly boss again.(he fears electricity remember?)

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Wow, this one is huge and strong!!

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What's that big fire? (La=big, vas=fire)

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Anyways, you will be in the Dark Ages then. use the Skyway.

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hmm, i missed some pictures?? well, it's the first house you see in the sky kingdom. That little boy's name is Janus, who does he resemble?? hmm.....

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Open the books: water, wind, fire. get treasures.

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Follow the given paths and you would find Kajar.

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Again, water, wind, fire. you would get the black rock this time.

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Okay, now time for the Zeal Palace.

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Visit the right room first.